A Shell végzősöknek szóló programja
Ismerje meg a Shell Diplomás program előnyeit. Tudjon meg többet a jelentkezésről és az Önre váró lehetőségekről.
Fedezze fel a lehetőségek világát, és ismerje meg, a Shell Diplomás program hogyan emelheti karrierjét. A strukturált tanuláson, a gyakorlati projekteken, a folyamatos visszajelzésen keresztül és a támogató kollégák révén, a Shell Diplomás program lehetőséget ad Önnek a fejlődésre és arra, hogy hatást fejtsen ki a választott területére.
Jelentkezés a Shell Diplomás programra
Akár a Technikai, akár a Kereskedelmi területére jelentkezik a Shell Diplomás programnak, példátlan hivatalos képzésben lesz része, mely előremozdítja majd a karrierjét. Úgy terveztük a programot, hogy a figyelemre méltó jelölteknek, mint Ön is, megadja azt az üzleti tudást és képzettséget, amely ahhoz kell, hogy a jövőben vezetővé váljanak.
Ön már a kezdetektől egy átfogó Induló lépéseket segítő programhoz csatlakozik, amely szisztematikusan megmutatja Önnek a szervezet minden területét. A választott útjától függően részt fog venni egy kettő - öt éves fejlesztési programban. Ez magában foglal majd két vagy három rotációt, amelyek kombinálják a munkahelyi tanulást a hivatalos képzési lehetőségekkel. Ösztönözést, gyakorlati szerepeket kap, és lehetősége lesz arra, hogy megismerkedjen vállalatunk értékekeivel.
A kezdő versenyképes fizetésen és más kiemelkedő előnyökön felül képes lesz elmélyíteni tudását a strukturált tanuláson és az áttörő projektekhez való hozzájáruláson keresztül. Mindeközben egy közvetlen felügyelő fogja Önt támogatni, hogy útmutatást és konstruktív visszajelzést adjon, valamint egy kiváló mentori program nyújt segítséget Önnek.
Shell Graduate Programme: New Application Process
Title: Shell Graduate Programme: New Application Process
Duration: 3:27 minutes
Short video explaining how to apply to the Shell Graduate Programme.
[Background music plays]
Upbeat instrumental music featuring keys.
[Text displays]
[Animated sequence]
A globe surrounded by various coloured icons spinning around it appears onscreen, shot changes to show Deanna, facing camera.
Hi, I’m Deanna. Welcome to Shell. Today, I’m going to take you through the steps for applying to the Shell Graduate Programme. Just some tips from me before we start.
[Animated sequence]
Deanna appears onscreen. A blue coloured banner appears at her side with the words Welcome to Shell. Banner flies out. Various coloured icons appear around Deanna, a mobile phone with moving arrow leading to yellow text square with words Shell Graduate Programme, moving to three document icons numbered 1, 2, 3.
We’re so much more than an energy company, so do your research and update your CV accordingly.
[Animated sequence]
Various coloured icons depicting energy related machinery and windmills fade in and out on the screen around Deanna.
Here at Shell we are searching for ways to meet the energy needs of the future, taking on challenges to help the world progress is what we have done since the day we started. You’ll find loads of stuff on the Shell website to help you find a programme suited to you, including the degree matcher which pretty much does what it says. It guides you on a match between your degree discipline with our skill pool of disciplines.
[Animated sequence]
A green globe surrounded by various coloured icons spinning around it appears onscreen. The icons flow out to the side of screen. Shot transitions to a screen showing many different coloured icons. Various shots of icons lighting up and changing to the same colour when a match is made. Shot changes to two large red icons which fill the screen.
When you’re ready the next step is the application form which takes about 10 minutes to complete. If you’re on LinkedIn save time by simply pulling across your profile.
[Animated sequence]
Deanna facing camera. Icons appear onscreen representing an application form, an egg timer, a completed form. A large blue 1 appears at Dian’s side. Three forms numbered 1, 2, 3 appear which then appear to drop into an envelope. The envelope is sealed and appears to be emailed.
After you have submitted your online application you’ll go through to Stage 1 where you are asked to complete 3 online assessments. You’ll get an email to guide you through this, but in a nutshell, these are: 1, a general cognitive test with numerical and verbal abstract reasoning; 2, an assessment of your working style. You’ll need to accomplish these online assessments within 5 days of receiving them.
[Animated sequence]
Deanna, facing camera. A cell phone icon appears with SENT message onscreen. The cell phone icon flies offscreen. Deanna holds up a finger indicating step 1. Several icons appear representing cognitive processes, a lightbulb, a chart/graph. A text box reading COGNITIVE TEST at bottom of screen. Deanna holds up two fingers indicating step 2. Words fly in from one side of screen and out at the other. A icon representing a calendar appears in middle of screen, pages labelled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are pulled off. Text flies in at one side of screen GENERAL COGNITIVE TEST, WORKING STYLE ASSESSMENTS and off at other end of screen. Text box reading ONLINE ASSESSMENTS at bottom of page.
Applicants who are successfully shortlisted will then receive an email inviting them to progress to the On-Demand Video Interview, a self-recorded video submission.
[Animated sequence]
Various icons appear onscreen against a pink background, representing a monitor, keyboard and mouse, completed forms, a pen and pencil. The forms have computerised avatars at the top. A monitor on which the email icon and avatar icon appear to be emailed. An arrow points from the monitor to a text box withwords: ON-DEMAND VIDEO INTERVIEW. A monitor appears showing a recording being made with applicants answering questions. Flashing text 10 DAYS at the side. A text box reading VIDEO SUBMISSION at bottom of screen.
Our Graduate Recruitment Team will then review your application and let you know if you are through to the next and final step. This is our Live Virtual session. Essentially an online interview with 2 Shell employees and a case study to discuss.
[Animated sequence]
Close-up of Deanna. At one side of screen an eye icon is shown representing review of application. At other side of screen arms are shown with thumbs pointing up. Sign appears at top of screen reading ON AIR. Two vari-coloured spinning circles appear on screen. In the centre of one the number 2 appears. In the other the word YOU appears. Three smaller spinning circles appear. In the centre of one there is a dialogue icon, in another a clipboard icon, in the third an icon representing two people.
This is where you have a chance to get to know us and for us to get to know you even better. So, expect this part to take around 2 hours. We’ll tell you more about this closer to the time, so you can prepare.
[Animated sequence]
A circle appears with the word YOU centred. Various icons spinning around the word gradually fade out.
If you are successful, first of all, congratulations. We’ll invite you to your nearest Shell office so you can see where you’ll be working, your future manager and other successful graduates. It’s a great opportunity to really get a feel for the place. That’s it from us for now. You have now got the key information you need to get started with your application. Good luck and perhaps the next time we meet it will be as colleagues.
[Animated sequence]
A yellow banner appears with CONGRATULATIONS in black. A globe appears with many locations pinpointed in red. Zooms in to show one pinpoint icon changing to yellow, a building appearing in close-up. A Welcome sign is on front of building. A shot showing people meeting and getting to know each other. Close-up of Deanna. Animated document appears at her side showing ticked steps on the application. Blue text box appears with words Good luck in white. Deanna fades out.
Shell jingle
Shell Pecten centred on a white background.
A Shell végzősöknek szóló programja: Miért éppen a Shell?
Title: Shell Graduate Programme: Why Shell?
Duration: 1:42 minutes
What do Shell Graduates have to say about working for Shell and being on the Graduate Programme? What do they value and what are the benefits of working for Shell being part of meeting the energy challenge together. Hear more from them to find out what could work for you.
Shell Graduate Programme: Why Shell? Film Transcript
[Background music plays]
Bright, uplifting music
[Text displays]
Why Shell?
Discover what makes Shell great for graduates
[Video footage]
Plant site, outdoors, with workers in red overalls and hardhats. Heavy-duty plant vehicle in background.
Office scene: two men looking at computer monitor; one of the men is pointing at the screen
Plant site: man in blue overalls and hardhat addressing three other people in blue overalls and hardhats.
Office scene with two women separated by counter. Woman nearest is talking to unseen listener.
Plant scene, outdoors: two men in red overalls and white hardhats and gloves examining a clipboard.
Office scene: man sitting at desk with several monitors in front of him answers switchboard-type telephone.
Plant site, outdoors: woman in gloves and hardhat with Shell logo on it is pointing out something in the palm of her hand to a man standing next to her
[Female speaker]
“Definitely Shell’s a good place to build your career.”
[Female speaker]
‘’It gives me a wide range of opportunities, to work in challenging projects and in stuff that really matters.’’
[Video footage]
Female speaker doing paperwork.
Female speaker typing at computer with headset on.
Female speaker in meeting with several others.
Female speaker examining data on computer monitor with colleague.
[Male speaker]
‘’Shell gives you many, many opportunities to discover your inherent skills, and if you're proactive about your development you can just go anywhere.’’
[Video footage]
Male speaker walking towards plant site.
Male speaker consulting with colleague in indoor plant.
Male speaker consulting with three colleagues in plant.
Close-up of male speaker examining machinery with colleagues.
Male speaker examining large plant equipment with colleague.
Outdoors, male speaker examining clipboard with colleague, plant in background.
[Female speaker]
“Your learning curve just escalates like you would not imagine.”
[Video footage]
Female speaker pointing at figures on graph.
Female speaker outdoors, oil drill in background, examining chart with colleague.
[Female speaker]
“When you first join, you’ll immediately feel welcome and protected. You know, you're not just another number, you're not just another addition, no, you're part of a family.’’
[Video footage]
Woman laughing with colleague.
Workers in overalls and hardhats.
Close-up of worker.
Seated woman in canteen greeting colleague with a handshake.
Seated woman in meeting.
Woman with coffee in hand, laughing with colleague.
Female speaker with office in background.
Canteen full of workers, both in overalls and office attire.
[Female speaker]
“Everyone is always willing to help and give their input really.”
[Video footage]
Female speaker shown behind glass, standing in front of flipchart, addressing unseen audience.
Man at laptop speaking to unknown listener.
Female speaker standing in front of flipchart, nodding at unseen audience.
[Female speaker]
“I have access to all my mentors, they always open their doors for you.”
[Video footage]
Female speaker walking down passage.
Female speaker with back to camera, male colleague with tablet in front of him.
Male colleague swiping finger across tablet screen.
Camera swings around to show front of smiling female speaker.
[Male speaker]
“Shell is an international company that’s given me experience with different cultures and work with people from different countries.”
[Video footage]
Office setting, male speaker on telephone.
Office setting, male speaker in discussion with two colleagues.
Close-up of chart with measurement data on it.
Outdoors, camera follows male speaker as he walks by, removing goggles.
Outdoors, male speaker talking to two colleagues, oil drill in background.
Male speaker chatting with colleagues in relaxed setting.
[Male speaker]
“I thoroughly enjoy what I do. I’m stretched, I’m fulfilled. It’s a great company and the opportunities are endless.”
[Video footage]
Boardroom scene, right profile of male speaker addressing colleagues.
Boardroom scene, looking across table to male speaker addressing colleagues.
Male speaker laughing, back of colleague visible.
[Text displays]
Scrolling upward are names and titles of earlier speakers, in order of appearance, accompanied by photo of each speaker’s face:
Technologist and Environmental Analyst
Business Development Manager
Subsea Controls Engineer
IT Demand Manager Shell Trading
Indirect Marketing Coordinator
Rotating Equipment Engineer
Drilling Engineer
Production Technologist
[Text displays]
To find out more about career opportunities go to
Shell logo on white background.
[Text displays]
Copyright, Shell International 2013
[Music ends]
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